Profil von Marius Kindler

Design Sketching Fundamentals

Here it is - my first online sketching class!

Design Sketching Fundamentals is an (awesome) online video course that helps you to learn the skill of sketching products. No matter if you are a beginner at sketching, a student, a design professional or an enthusiast who is interested in learning this skill. 
This online course offers a well-structured introduction to the field of design sketching and is a great resource of tips & tricks that help to level up your sketching game.

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Let's kickstart your sketching journey!

This course teaches you everything you need to know to improve your design sketching game. It features more than four hours of video lessons that contain the knowledge I built up over years of learning the skill of design sketching myself. It's fun, full of useful tips and well-structured to offer a great learning experience from beginner's level on!

Learn about...

1. The skill of design sketching and why you should be good at it

2. The principles & techniques great sketches are based on

3. The tools I use for sketching products (and how I use them)

4. Basic construction principles & perspectives used for sketching products

5. The secrets about great looking linework and how it can make a difference

6. Basic shading techniques and how to apply them in your own sketches

7. How to use layout & composition to set up a compelling sketch pages

8. Exercises & tips on how to build the right routines to practice sketching & get inspired

9. The step-by-step process how I approach a product sketch

... and much more. :)

Who will be your teacher?

My name is Marius Kindler. I am an award-winning industrial designer & illustrator from Germany with a strong passion for design sketching. In my already more than 10 years in the design world I learned and mastered the skill of design sketching. I used it both in my professional life to design products and in my free time while sharing my sketches online.

I've learned design sketching - you can do it, too!

Sketching is not a talent you are born with - it’s a skill you can learn and master! I also once struggled with my limited skill set and learned design sketching from beginner's level on. Now I combined all the tips, tricks & lessons I have learned on this journey into this online video course and I am sure that it can help you start your own learning journey! So that you can use the skill of design sketching to communicate ideas in a successful way.

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Design Sketching Fundamentals

Design Sketching Fundamentals
