A fun and engaging animated campaign that details the reasons and solutions to those emails we all wish we hadn’t sent!
After finding us here on Wired Sussex, The DIGIT [Digital Futures at Work Research Centre], co-led by the University of Sussex and Leeds tasked us with producing a short animation and supporting infographics to explore the latter. 
The brief was to convey psychologist Dr Emma Russell’s research into why we send those emails we all wish we hadn’t, and how we can act differently in the future.

It was agreed that we wanted to keep it light and fun. We wanted to engage and disarm people - so decided to convey emotion by characterising the emails themselves. 
Using emoticons as inspiration we looked at playing with the symbol and shape of a mail icon.

We wanted to easily convey the extremes of how we can come across digitally, as emails can be interpreted the wrong way so easily. Using the top fold of the envelope symbol we created a rig that could easily switch from angry – where the fold creates a frown, to switching up and creating a happy face, where the fold creates a big smile.
We made a series of posters
and a infographic.
“Ticktockrobot were a pleasure to work with from start to finish, going above and beyond to deliver an excellent product on time and to budget.  We wanted to communicate key insights from the research in a fun and engaging way, illustrating some of the reasons people send problematic emails and how they can act differently.  We’re delighted with the results.”

Emma Russell, Chartered Occupational Psychologist
Digital Futures at Work Research Centre
University of Sussex Business School
Problematic Emails


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Problematic Emails
