Honeydu | B2B simple payment


Honeydu is about business
Check out the platform for fast and secure business payments. By making payments simple, Honeydu accelerates its users' business processes through scrupulously thought-out actions. Everything works under the control of vigilant Rocketman, who also won't let you get bored.

We were lucky to work on Honeydu creation at a time when business applications did not have to be boring. Rocketman enlivens the interface and helps making users build associations with the product. The brand color palette sets the right mood.

Different Rocketmen for different situations​​​​​​​

Research. Analysis. Design.
Perfect accuracy is vital for financial transactions. No less is it so for compliance with our business processes. Without thorough research, we would not have learned the problems and shortcomings of similar services. Without analysis, we would not have found solutions and would have failed to design an awesome product. It is out of doubt that Honeydu users will feel they have been well taken care of.

Start screen
The start screen will help users get acquainted with the interface and understand how everything works here.

The neat dashboard interface has plenty of clean space so as to not overload users with unnecessary information.

Pay / Get paid
The payment process eliminates all possibility of making mistakes and provides users with all the necessary info on the financial transaction.

Honeydu users will never lose their customers and vendors because we have assigned a special section for them.

Fine-tuning of all product parameters has intuitive names and lets users quickly find the desired menu item.

First there was the app...
Initially, of course, Honeydu was meant as an application. We made an effort to create it as simple and visually spacious as possible. There is enough space on the user screen for Rocketman to not feel cramped. As with the desktop version, we followed the same path: research, analysis, design, testing. Each screen is a painting, and each interface element is a brushstroke of an artist :) And no! We haven't forgotten about the Apple Watch - how do you like this?

Thanks for watching!
Cooperation with us: info@interactivedesign.io

Honeydu | B2B simple payment