Task: Using found materials, construct / design / create / fabricate a range of letter forms.
I based my letters primarily on the P22 Johnston Underground font.
I began by experimenting with food, so firstly tried carving out letters form Oreo cookies:
Mushrooms, which I then proceeded to cook on top of some mini quiche's to see how they changed.
Shortbread and Pastry (in the form of jam tarts).
I then went to the woods and experimented with stencils. This was a real challenge to get right but I got some good shots against a general backdrop and against some leaves, which went out of focus and created this yellow/orange pattern.
After my experimentation in the woods I tried cutting out the letters from leaves I have collected and pressed. I then utilsed the leaves I had cut from and played around with shadows and tahing them out in the garden.
Spindle, this is a beautiful berry which comes out in autumn and creates an amazing contrast of colour against the yellows and browns of the leaves. I collected this and played around with forming letter shapes corresponding to the shapes of the berries.
Pressed flowers:
Oxalis leaves and Spindle berries:
Knitting and Shells:
Mini Lego:
Experimental type

Experimental type

Typography project to create / design / construct letter forms from found materials.
