Perfil de Rock In Prevention

How to Make Responsible Decisions

A Des Moines, Iowa organization, Rock in Prevention uses music to help youth in grades 2 through 12 avoid alcohol and substance abuse. Since its inception in 1990, Rock in Prevention has expanded to include its newest Rock Digi, a program that uses music to teach social emotional learning (SEL) and life skills for success.

Rock Digi is based on five competencies that teache students how to make responsible lessons. Based on CASEL or the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning competencies, Rock Digi curriculum includes a lesson on responsible decision-making.

Strong decision-making skills can reduce stress levels while allowing the student to focus more on their goals. The five-step lesson begins with identifying the problem from an objective perspective. The next step asks the person to consider their options in solving the problem.

The next step requires the person consider all of the positive and negative consequences (both the risks and rewards) that can result from the available options for solving the problem. Moreover, students are taught to consider how their actions in solving the problem might affect others.

After reviewing the advantages and disadvantages, choose a course of action and develop a plan. This plan will include what should happen in the future, including any consequences of going a particular route to solve an issue.

The final step requires students reflect on the decision they made. Students should consider the effectiveness of the course of action, things they learned about the experience, and what actions might help them in the future.
How to Make Responsible Decisions

How to Make Responsible Decisions


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