Perfil de Shaun Huang

Your "Grandfather" Space, Part III

Your "Grandfather" Space
Part III, The "Rights" to reclaim the city within
The third phase will be located inside city itself which in this case, inside Lucky Plaza itself. The idea being that malls with large atriums missed out on the opportunity for public inhabitations. Specifically, the third exploration aims to create an experience of public inhabitations where the people and shops within the mall will have some form of connectivity and interaction. However, this phase will be rather speculated and conceptual.
Through observation, a key element of the space was the natural lighting which should be incorporated into the intervention without disrupting the space.
The idea was to explore placing hammock like structures which allow people to inhabit in the void of the atrium. At the same time letting light pass through it, casting shadows of the inhabitation above onto the ground floor, creating a special type of interaction between inhabitants at the top and bottom.
Here are a series of models that I explored with looking into textures and opacity.
Your "Grandfather" Space, Part III
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Your "Grandfather" Space, Part III

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