Where does 'Wootz' come from?

The Tamil culture is deeply rooted in this region of Sri Lanka.

Tamils of the Chera Dynasty produced ‘the finest steel in the world, known as Seric Iron to the Romans. This steel was exported as cakes of steely iron that came to be known as ‘wootz,’ a crucible steel characterized by a pattern of bands and high carbon content. Wootz steel was widely exported and traded throughout ancient Europe and the Arab world and became particularly famous in the Middle East.

Second only to China’s exports, Sri Lanka also produces some of the finest tea in the world. Nuwara Eliya, meaning ‘city on the plains’ is a city in the hill country of the Central Province. It was established by Sir Edward Barnes in 1828 as a holiday retreat. English explorer, Samuel Baker, later established a farm in 1846 and aspired to cultivate potatoes and rival the beauty and prosperity of Neel Grans mountain range.

During this time, Baker also introduced horse racing to the area, with the inaugural horse race being held in 1875. Horse racing was banned in 1956, but was later reinstated in 1981. The Nuwara Eliya Racecourse is the only remaining horse racing venue in Sri Lanka.

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Wootz Tea


Wootz Tea
