Henkilön Dayna Barron profiili

American Apparel (Plus-size) Integrated Media Campaign

Integrated Media Campaign
Student Project - Thesis

My thesis was on expanding the American Apparel brand to include a plus-size line within Canada.
These were the results.


What woman doesn't drool over a pair of Louboutins once in awhile? There's something about fashion that makes our hearts flutter and our glands salivate. Magazines and other media vehicles bombard us constantly with messages of beauty and standardize what is hot and what is not.
Plus-size women aren't strangers to this phenomenon; however they are disregarded in the world of fashion. Size should be the last thing on our minds when choosing an outfit for a hot date or going shopping with friends. Yet the truth is, only 5% of all Canadian retailers dedicate space to larger clothing sizes. It's jaw dropping to realize that  it's easier to find fashionable clothing for my dog.The market isn't as niche as it once was either. The women's plus-size market, which grew 20% between 2003 and 2007, now represents one in every five purchases!
The problem is that plus-size fashion is severely under-represented in the fashion category. A large base of Canadian women are hungry for more fashion options and more retailers could benefit by reaching out into a seemingly untapped market. This is where American Apparel can take a stand. Known for being a rebel of the fashion industry and taking chances where others have failed to, American Apparel is the perfect candidate to deliver to the masses a new line of clothing fit for the fashionista in every woman and make a presence for itself within the plus-size community.

*** My thesis was successfully completed in April 2011. American Apparel launched "The Next BIG Thing" campaign in September 2011.***

Find my process blog here.
Teaser: The idea is to include everyday objects around the city including benches (pictured), which will be small child size versions of their full size self. Various other objects could include payphones, TTC DWA benches and mailboxes. Branded of course with the message & logo.
On the front of the subway door will be an image of a nice pair of hips. As the door opens the hips widen and reveal a message on the opposite doors.
LouLou and other fashion oriented websites and blogs such as Young, Fat & Fabulous will have website takeovers,
where the website is shrunk down to it’s smallest. The user can then interact with the ad to bring the webpage back
up to full view. When the webpage goes back into full page there is a reinforcement banner at the top and sides, announcing that AA is now available in 14+.
Interactive Billboard: The idea is for people on the streets to finish off the headlines for the campaign by texting their message, which will then appear on the screen pictured.
Youtube Channel for the Live Large Contest, which links directly to the Microsite (pictured below)
The contest asks plus-size fashionistas to show us how they work their curves, and what they love most about them.
Then tell us what their headline would be if they were chosen for the next ad in the series for a chance to be featured in our campaign. They then submit their video for ratings and get their friends to vote them up to the top ten, where judges would choose the winner.
Final Thesis Book
American Apparel (Plus-size) Integrated Media Campaign

American Apparel (Plus-size) Integrated Media Campaign

My thesis was on expanding the American Apparel brand to include a plus-size line within Canada. These are the results.
