Daniel Escudeiro sin profil

36 Days of Type / 2021

36 Days of Type is an open call on creativity where designers from around the world rush to publish one letter a day, exercising their most personal and experimental creative styles under self-given briefs or themes.

I’d never taken part (in full) until now, and I loved it. It feels like World Cup, with surprises every day from creatives you like and you get to discover a ton of new faces. 

This is a collection of my very own idiosyncrasies in style, and I wanted to keep it as broad as possible. Its theme can perhaps be defined by a search for some physicality in execution. Enjoy ;)

A few more letter variations and a little making of on my instagram →

36 Days of Type / 2021


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36 Days of Type / 2021

36 Days of Type is an open call on creativity where designers from around the world rush to publish one letter a day, exercising their most perso Se mer
