A collection of unique digital paintings.

CHIMERA is a conceptual art project that pushes the boundaries of perception of architectural interface by bringing a unique architectural space into abstract dimension to create a unique metamorphic form.

Every CHIMERA is a unique digital painting.

Every CHIMERA comes from a unique process that involves hand sculpting in different mediums from physical sculpts to a digital hand sculpting in a 3D space. (Not generated)

In this Unique art piece we invite you to take on a journey outside of convention, through a wormhole of your perception and imagination.

Metamorphosis is the core idea of our Genesis collection.
Transformation has been a big part of our story. As MABLAB we are two sisters merging our lives and backgrounds in architecture and arts together.

We invite you to perceive the beauty of metamorphosis of architectural interface into unique lifeforms and shapes.


Unique 1 of 1 digital painting.

CHIMERA is metamorphosis of architectural spaces and landscapes into a unique hybrid creatures and lifeforms.

Greek mythology says that Chimera was a hybrid creature, composed of more than one animal, likewise our art.

CHIMERA represents the metamorphosis of life. We obtain a new life and raise from the ashes to be born again through the metamorphosis of life

Lines connect to lines become meshes; meshes to meshes deliver textures; textures to textures give birth to complex surfaces - to a breathtaking landscape - to a carefully sculpted architectural space.

Years of professional research and exploration of architectural interface in depth culminated in our vision for this collection. A unique process that involves hand sculpting in different mediums from physical sculpts to a digital hand sculpting in a 3D space. (Not generated)

High resolution ready for print.

Dimensions 12599 × 17820

762 ppi

Genesis Chimera
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Genesis Chimera

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