Profil appartenant à Julia Hanke

Your voice has POWER! - Amnesty International Poland

Twój Głos ma MOC! - Młodzi ludzie bronią praw człowieka (eng. Your voice has POWER! - Young people defend human rights!) was created to rase the subject of human rights in Polish schools. The main purpose of this project was to encourage teachers and young people to participate in meetings and workshops. Teachers will be able to increase their knowledge of human rights and survival strategies and young people will be able to create campaigns promoting human rights and carry out their own advocacy activities.

The idea behind the logo for the campaign was to use main Amnesty font but make it a bit rough, like it was cut from paper - connection with workshops. There has to be also the element to emphasize the importance of voice power, so here it is - bright "boom" sign, like from cartoon, which is blowing into "O" from word "VOICE" - encouraging people to use their voices. 

Color palette should have attract the viewers and young people. To do that I used bright, highly saturated colors which go well with main Amnesty color - yellow. The project consists of three paths: educational, activist and advocacy. Main color - yellow is used for key visual and first graphics for educational path. Creative violet - blue is for activist path and the strongest - orange-red for leaders in advocacy path.

There are many, colorful, cutout shapes, which represent how much our views may differ. This is why it is important to use our voice to defend human rights. Illustration are focused on dynamic character's poses and hand signs which are very common while activist's events. They are brave as much as used colors or bold lines, to show that we don't have to be afraid to act and defend our rights.

Your voice has POWER! - Amnesty International Poland
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Your voice has POWER! - Amnesty International Poland

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