Taiwan HYPE EXHIBITION | Logo Animation

After Effects
Taiwan HYPE 展覽,就是一座未來廟宇。JL DESIGN 轉譯台灣的誠心敬意與人情味,透過現代設計再現廟宇文化及語言,將信仰文化中五種祭祀的動物「五牲」— 雞、豬、魚、鴨、魷魚混種創造新生,成為跨文化科技的載體,並透過專屬台灣語言的拼音輔助系統「注音符號-ㄊㄨㄏㄆ」為設計元素,在視覺上彷彿看見輪廓中隱藏不同屬性的動物特徵,與台灣獨有的音標系統共構成為新物種。 
 JL DESIGN 將台灣以最具誠意的方式,傳統民俗、科技、數位創意匯集,精心呈現來自島上的豐沛產物,如同台灣的重要慶典,廟宇中信眾以精心準備的山珍海味,誠心地與神對話。

The Taiwan HYPE Exhibition is a futuristic temple that embodies the essence of Taiwan.

JL DESIGN interprets the sincerity, respect, and human touch of Taiwan by representing temple culture and language through modern design. 
They create a new life form by crossbreeding the five sacrificial animals known as the "Five Livestock" - chicken, pig, fish, duck, and squid - as a vehicle for cross-cultural technology.The design elements visually reveal hidden animal features within the outlines, reminiscent of the distinctive attributes of each creature, while incorporating Taiwan's unique phonetic system, the "Zhuyin Fuhao" (Bopomofo) as an assistance system.

JL DESIGN combines traditional customs, technology, and digital creativity in the most sincere manner to showcase the abundant offerings from the island of Taiwan. Similar to important celebrations in Taiwan's temples, where devotees engage in heartfelt conversations with the deities using meticulously prepared delicacies, the exhibition presents the bountiful produce from the island with utmost care.


本次 Logo Animation 配樂,JL DESIGN 邀請了台灣創作歌手李英宏攜手打造。

 Taiwan HYPE 配樂從注音符號的視覺意象開始,打開聲音的連結,ㄊㄨㄏㄆ的聲音概念宛如廟會當中的符咒與頌文,並且在配樂中段加入細微的節奏變化,像是廟會時有人負責打鼓、有人敲鑼,固定模式與節奏的現場氣氛,並且加入電子合成器的神秘迷幻,打造Taiwan HYPE的音樂氣氛。 

The animation concept revolves around the idea of "hybrid species."
In this project, the team aims to blend various styles and incorporate them into the animation, including the typography.

The soundtrack of Taiwan HYPE serves as a connection between visual symbols and sound. The rhythm evokes the atmosphere of people chanting in a temple, while subtle variations in melody are introduced to create a traditional festival ambiance.


Client:Ministry of Culture of Taiwan 文化部 、Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA ) 文化內容策進院 
Curator: JL
Creative Agency: JL DESIGN
Executive Producer: Angela Moo 巫安琪
Creative Director: Johan Tsai 蔡卓翰 
Associate Creative Director: Lance Wei 魏良恩
Head of Production: Chia Ying Tsai 蔡佳穎
Art Director: Hsiang Ju Hung 洪湘茹
Senior Producer: Yinnu Chen 陳盈如
Producer: Carol Chen 陳品聿
Project Manager: Yu-Chien Chang 張毓倩、Tang Wei 唐瑋、Ryan Lin 林志翰、Tyne Huang 黃婷鈺
Project Coordinator: Sabrina Hsiao 蕭珞旂
Press: Sandy Wang 王日暄
Visual Design—
Key Visual Design: Kelsie Chan 陳施澄、Yang Chun 羊君
Illustration: Kai-Xiang Xu 許凱翔
Design: Abby Tsai 蔡瑋廷、Kevin Chien 簡宥箴、Fang Zhi-Hong 方智弘、Hsiang Jou-Hua 向柔樺、Yu-Hui Huang 黃郁惠

Style Frame: Hsiang Ju Hung 洪湘茹、YangA Chun 羊君
Storyboard: Morris Chi 齊慕夷
Motion Design: Morris Chi 齊慕夷、Mos Zheng 鄭盛文、Junde Lin 林俊德
Music and Sound Design:  Ying-Hung Lee aka DJ Didilong 李英宏
Exhibition Booth Design and Production: MINIWIZ 小智研發

Taiwan HYPE EXHIBITION | Logo Animation
公開日 :