Christina Verdgeline sin profil

Intro- "Fruit on the Move" Series

This is one of the photographs I took of fruit in unlikely places.
The first in a series I am putting together. 

It was a whim at first, but I found how beautifully they fit into new compositions. And create metaphors.  ----  It's a chance to look at the detail and character of each item in a different light... and with a bit of imagination, you can create a story line, inject some humor. Here, the precariously-positioned yet perfectly balanced fruit is in its place, riding a "wave", or sitting waiting for it's portrait.

I call this one "Blueberry Portrait". The texture of the blueberry seems to accept & imitate the weathered feel of the wrought iron, as though it's been there, posing, waiting for its portrait for a long time. Even though it's in a difficult position... ready to fall off (as it actually did a few times, so I had to replace a different blueberry with this new one).  
​As it is - a cool close look at a ripe blueberry in all its natural reality.
Cyanococcus in the genus Vaccinium

(Okay, another step into imagination: the "hair" has been combed up, at the top of its head.)


Contrast! "adventure"!  These green grapes are rolling along in the wilderness... trekking across an obstacle course metal stormwater grate, single file. 
photo1) After swinging a little,       photo 2) Mr Banana tries to find a comfy spot...      photo 3) EUREKA! hammock time! 
strawberry  "Berry Blues"
Intro- "Fruit on the Move" Series

Intro- "Fruit on the Move" Series

The very first photograph in a series, FRUIT ON THE MOVE, examining fruits in unusual settings and exploring them in a different light.
