「 TOKYO 2020 ON CLOUD」 Interactive Installation

TOKYO 2020 ON CLOUD  | 云上东京奥运会


此次阿里云来到东京,为奥运会提供强⼤、智能的云服务,因此诞⽣了阿里云的「TOKYO 2020 ON CLOUD」。

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics game was postponed to this year, and the stadium was also closed to visitors. 
Fortunately, the technological cloud services provided by Alibaba Cloud have filled the absence of audiences and enabled them to have a special and vivid Olympic experience.  
Alibaba Cloud is on a mission to explore the boundaries of the future. 
This time, Alibaba Cloud came to Tokyo, partnering with Olympic for developing the 「TOKYO 2020 ON CLOUD」, which to offer more powerful and intelligent cloud services for this global event.


Nine panels

Design site

Internet buzz


Alibaba Cloud「 TOKYO 2020 ON CLOUD」 Interactive Installation | 阿里云「 TOKYO 2020 ON CLOUD」交互装置
Departure Time | Mar.28,2020 ~ July .23,2021

Project Director - 刘滨|BINL 
Account Manager - 尼尼鸭 | NINI / 黄玮佳 | Vita
Creative Planner - 梁益荣 | Craig Neo / 吴仪娴 | Alexandra Ng / 梁嘉瑶|Yaooo / 麦颖欣|McDonald 
Designer -  马俊|Paoss / 麦颖欣|McDonald / 王艺海 | YIHAIWANG
CGI Designer - 丁旭杭 | Ding  / 成翊佳 | Fan-Ni / 潘令琪 | rx07 
CGI Animator - 成翊佳 | Fan-Ni / 羊叔 | uncle sheep / 陈国威 | CGWOW
Copywriter - 米露琪 | Mickey
Technical Director - 梁益荣 | Craig Neo
API Back-End Development - 黄慧贤 | Angel Ng
Unity Developer - 康托耶夫 | Kodoev
Shooting Team - 竺延 | ZHU YAN / 孔维彧 | KONG WEI YU / 丁昊 | DING HAO
Editors - 成翊佳 | Fan-Ni

「 TOKYO 2020 ON CLOUD」 Interactive Installation