Íris - Beleza e Cuidado | Naming e Branding

O Desafio
The Challenge

Criar uma marca para uma super empreendedora, cujo anseio é trazer um novo olhar para o mercado de estética e beleza. O olhar da originalidade, um convite para mulher desafiar padrões de beleza impostos e ser única, ser ela mesma.

Create a brand for a super entrepreneur, whose desire is to bring a new look to the aesthetics and beauty market. The look of originality, an invitation for woman to challenge imposed standards of beauty and to be unique, to be herself.

It is not the answers that move the world, but the questions, and it was the questions that improved the search for the reference. Inspired by Sandra's way of being, inspired by each customer, the new brand is strongly related to the search for authenticity.The naming process led to reflection; what is unique about a person, their way of being and acting? Your essence? But after all what does it physically/visually represent? What about us represents how unique we are? And the answer came: our fingerprint, the face, the look and the Iris, and it was the part of the eye that sees the colors, the center of what is unique in us, which identifies us as originals, was the greatest reference , then named the brand Iris.
The Symbol

what is unique in a person?  Your essence, your way of being and acting!
what demonstrates it? Fingerprint, Face, Look, Iris.

Certos de que cada ser é único e precisa ser compreendido assim, foi a natureza que cedeu seus elementos de força, resiliência e autenticidade para coroar o conceito. Na natureza nada é igual, mesmo as árvores das mesmas espécies, possuem as suas diferenças, as flores do mesmo modo, mesmo iguais pela espécie, possuem suas diferenças, e isso, convenhamos é o que torna tudo ainda mais belo. Buscou-se então um elemento colorido, vibrante, forte, mas mesmo assim leve,  que se fortalece pelo sol, para essa simbologia, no girassol, extraímos o miolo, o centro, e ao transferir em movimento para a marca, o símbolo de apoio, que auxilia na comunicação de autenticidade, força e unidade.

Certain that each being is unique and needs to be understood in this way, it was nature that gave its elements of strength, resilience and authenticity to crown the concept. In nature, nothing is the same, even trees of the same species, have their differences, flowers too, even though the species, have their differences, and that, let's face it, is what makes everything even more beautiful. We then sought a colorful, vibrant, strong, but even so light element, which is strengthened by the sun, for this symbology, in the sunflower, we extract the core, the center, and when transferring the support symbol in motion to the brand , which helps in communicating authenticity, strength and unity.
Iris - Beaty and Care
We are Iris Beauty and Care, we were born to believe in individuality, to believe that everything is connected. And nature inspires us and shows this every day, every sunrise and sunset, in every tree, in every flower!Even when patterns insist on penetrating our essence, we have the conviction: in nature nothing is the same, being our mother, being our reference, so that even in times of patterns we can be ourselves, original and unique.Because there is a transformative potential in being yourself!
Íris - Beleza e Cuidado | Naming e Branding

Project Made For

Íris - Beleza e Cuidado | Naming e Branding

Criação de naming e identidade visual para empresa de beleza e estética. Naming and Branding, beauty.
