Profil appartenant à Jov Lee


Being in a new environment during her summer exchange in the University of California, Berkeley, the artist was inspired to create such a series as she felt that many of the natural bodily functions are being forgotten.
The idea of this series is to create an awareness to the audience about the human body's on-going processes and actions, especially those which are involuntary such as heart beat, digestion and respiration or those which remain mysterious. These processes, together with the microscopic structures that make up the systems are usually unseen and taken for granted. Hence, the drawings here depict some of the anatomical architecture and tiny machines in an exaggerated and magnified manner on purpose.
Various media ranging from pencil, pen, acrylic and charcoal are used to create different effects and styles.
/updated (2014)
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This series is to be continued, branched out and expanded into its related fields such as diseases, pathogens and laboratory work related art pie Lire la suite

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