Bagoo is an innovative new recruitment channel in the Middle East that simplifies the hiring process for major organizations down to a POST, CLICK, HIRE.
Inspired from Bagoo's core business of linking both recruiters and employers together, The brandmark was built based on a simple, fresh and friendly typeface.
The letter "g" and the letters "O 's" were linked in a way to look like a binocular that spots out the right candidates and links them with the right vacancies.
The dark blue color was chosen to reflect the serious look of the brand while the orange color gives it a more dynamic and lively feel.

I claim no credit for the photographic images used on the designs posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images used in the brand designs on this site are copyright to their respectful owners. All images used were used as dummy photos and were not used in the actual project.



by Reem Zeine at dobrando branding agency


Creative Fields