Chinese Tea Gallery light ver 輕量華茶
傳承分享的華茶大館 位於香港的茶葉供應公司,已有50多年的歷史,華茶館於2020年品牌更新,引入世界各地的茶文化至華人市場,使茶文化能夠相互學習、分享。

Chinese Tea Gallery light ver.
Chinese Tea Gallery is a tea supply company located in Hong Kong with a history of more than 50 years. The brand of Chinese Tea House will be renewed in 2020, introducing tea culture from all over the world to the Chinese market, so that tea culture can learn and share with each other.
The acceptance of tea in our young market is gradually increasing, so for young people, office workers, and students, a lightweight design is envisaged, with tea bags included, which can be more convenient to use regardless of cold or hot and regional, combined with modern colors. Geometric lines for design applications

專案類型 Type | 包裝 Packaging
專案年份 Year | 2021
客戶 Client | 華茶館 
製作單位 Production | K9 Design
藝術指導 Art Director | Kevin Lin
設計 Designer | Kevin Lin
攝影 Photographer | Férguson Lin
印刷 Print | 先鋒印刷紙業廠有限公司

Chinese Tea Gallery light ver 輕量華茶

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Chinese Tea Gallery light ver 輕量華茶
