FIXGU (2021)


Muitos anos depois da era vitoriana, mais especificamente nos anos 60, algo acontece com Fixgu. Agora ele precisará reaprender a viver com sua nova condição.


Many years after the Victorian Era, more specifically in the 60's, something happens to Fixgu. Now he will need to relearn how to live with his new condition.

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The Transmutation

Long after time is back - but not without trace - the Victorian Era, specifically in 1960, Fixgu, an inventor who has been living in the desert for years, finds himself the only one who still sees steam-powered inventions as the future of humanity. Until one rainy morning, while maintaining his favorite invention “Girl”, a “coral” steam tank designed for simple walks through the desert, which until yesterday was lying in a corner full of mold and dust. , woke up from his sleep of more than 20 years.

Fixgu was quite happy to have his friendly machine back, he always found it very interesting how machines worked the middle ground between life and death. All that day, the little inventor is dedicated to talking about the novelties of the 60s and how he had been studying new technologies other than the use of steam to give movement to large masses of metal that were somewhat misfit. Girl feels strange with the new information, if pulse feeling afraid that her inventor would put her back in a new sleep, now perhaps eternal. So that night she pretended she was in sleep mode at approximately 10:00 pm, and waited to hear her maker sleep.

As soon as she needed the heavy sleep in which Fixgu found herself, she tried to move to the main gate of the shed, which opened onto a deserted hill. She wanted to run away. Despite their efforts to be quiet, their motion systems were very rusty and made engine noises. Then her creator woke up and calmly called her “Girl, what are you doing there? The night is too cold, go back to bed! ”. Girl played dumb and took advantage of the sleepiness of the human, who soon turned to the pillow to sleep.

She manages to unlock the gate, speed up her tracks, and force her little engine to climb the hill in front of her. On the way up, she comes across a black swamp, which would have given her the chills if she had been able to feel them.

As he descended, his caterpillar lost its brakes. Amidst the smoke and the loud noises of an engine struggling to control its speed, its creator appears at the peak of the hill and runs like never before, trying to reach it.
And then he gets it. "Girl, hang on!" he says when he can reach his Muzzle, but like all steam engines, Girl is heavy, albeit small.

Fixgu gradually lost his balance, unable to hold on to the muddy tree as he tried to bring his tank back. But he didn't give up, and that's exactly why he fell with his dear friend in the black swamp, who mistakenly served as garbage for his new inventions that perfectly adapted to the 60s.

In the swamp was all kinds of electronic waste, oil, used parts and even new parts that he hated.
Girl and her maker spent days there, immersed in that black water, as they watched their respective bodies begin to become part of each other and the swamp's own rubbish. 

As Fixgu was always a reclusive inventor, no one took notice of his absence, the inventor and his invention were on their own. Seven days passed, before the bubbling swamp began to emerge a coral robot wearing a helmet and goggles. It was the perfect union between creator and creation.

Now, Fixgu had become a machine with human intelligence and will have to adapt to the difficulties of the new times.

The 3 Laws of Robotics
Isaac Asimov

First Law: A robot cannot harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Second Law: A robot must obey orders given by human beings except in cases where such orders conflict with the First Law.

Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.




Many years after the Victorian Era, more specifically in the 60's, something happens to Fixgu. Now he will need to relearn how to live with his n Read More
