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1896 – Experimental type project

1896 Experimental Type Project
Combining an unused idea for the Fedrigoni 366 project with an old personal project – BLK LTR – interesting styles began to emerge for a new, experimental numeral set.
I wanted the numbers to convey something meaningful so the Environment – an issue I feel strongly about – would be my subject matter of choice. During the research I was shocked to discover that the potential effects on climate as a consequence of human activity were first predicted by Swedish scientist, Svante Arrhenius, in 1896! Yet to date we have still failed to fully tackle the issue with all the resources available at our disposal.
With this in mind I wanted the numerals to feel extreme in form to reflect the drastic nature of the situation. Exaggerating the width or height when combined with the keyline details led to dramatic results.

In addition to the typography, an unused melting egg timer from a previous client project, provided the perfect marque to complete the designs. Finally the colour red was employed throughout to convey the sense of urgency.

Since completion this project led to the design of my submission to Secret 7" 2020 and was featured in the environmental protest book – Mate Act Now.

1896 – Experimental type project


1896 – Experimental type project
