Avengers Poster
Self-initiated project
One of my tasks this year is to go back through my unfinished work and see if there’s anything I want to continue working on. Far too often I just let projects go and I always want to revisit but I just move on. This was one poster idea I didn’t want to let go.
I think I drew the initial sketch for this poster right after I got back from seeing The Avengers in the cinema. I was totally buzzing and had to get some ideas scribbled down. For some reason I hit a block and never got further than the basic outlines of the characters.
I liked the idea of showing just a section of each hero almost as if they are within a comic frame. I also tested different variations on mixtures of white and grey backgrounds but found that this result on black really brought out the colours of the characters. Hulk turned out to be my favourite illustration and I found Thor and Black Widow a pretty tough challenge.
Avengers Poster

Avengers Poster

Self-initiated Avengers poster inspired by the recent blockbuster film!


Sectores creativos