Steve Sabo 的个人资料

Field Photography 2020

This series of photographs collects imagery taken on two separate surveys with INSPIRE Environmental in 2020.  I love taking my camera into the field with me while on a project.  It not only provides a bit of distraction during my down time on the boats, but it also results in great material for use in marketing and informational documents.
The first set of images were collected during a fisheries survey near the Block Island Wind Farm.  This trip was the final outing of a six year project that I had been working on monthly.  While I miss the regular fieldwork, the 3am wake-up call is nothing I'm eager to revisit.
This second set of images were collected on board a vessel surveying an area ~20 miles off the coast of New York.  Our ship embarked from Quincy, MA and made a 24 hour journey south before survey activities could begin, offering me plenty of time to enjoy the scenery before work started.
Field Photography 2020


Field Photography 2020
