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SOL–POV | Album Packaging and CD Design


Music albums offer a sanctuary for listeners as much as they do for artists. Artists find solace by expressing their soul in musical and lyrical content, a process which, in turn, creates room for listeners to soul-search and connect with their interior emotional worlds. Comprising three main elements - ‘solace’, ‘soul’ and ‘perspective’ - SOL-POV is a mixtape series that presents stories from fifteen young adults, between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-seven, as they immerse in songs and reflect upon their listening experiences.

The main aim of this series is to underscore the significance of and rekindle appreciation for physical music albums, especially in an increasingly impersonal, fast-paced era of online streaming services. By sharing anecdotes of music and personal life, this project hopes to foster connectedness among young adults as they relate through vulnerability and commonalities in their lived experiences. In doing so, the warmth and joy that music albums bring, together with their cathartic and unitive potential, might then be rediscovered by younger generations.

The Music Album package consists of three editorial designs, a poster and five art cards. The three editorials include the lyrics, transcribed interview and a visualisation of the listeners' feelings and memories ascribed to their respective songs. 

PS: The visual editorial focuses on the personal stories/memories of the interviewees rather than broader literary interpretations of each song. 
SOL–POV | Album Packaging and CD Design
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SOL–POV | Album Packaging and CD Design

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