Face 2 Face
location: Kharkiv
function: table
photo: Ivan Avdeenko
team: Oleg Drozdov, Serhii Prytkin
partners: Ryntovt Design (manufacturer)

Conventional round and rectangular tables have a number of shortcomings. You can’t get the most out of the available surface, and you don’t have sufficient visual contact with other people sitting around the table. Considering all these drawbacks, we have developed a multi-purpose table – Face 2 Face. Speaking the language of industrial architecture in terms of its structure, it provides a solution to a long-standing problem and empowers communication among people.
The current geometry and proportions came as a result of a long-term study and ongoing experiments. It was absolutely important for us to achieve maximum visual contact together with optimal width, simple manufacturing, and the possibility to support three relevant scenarios of use: top manager’s desk, a conference table, or a dining table for a family that likes entertaining guests.
Face 2 Face

Face 2 Face
