For this project, I needed to create a postmodern poster inspired by three random words assigned to me. My three words were Yellow, Fragile, and Toes. I also needed to incorporate images of “trash” into my poster.
Yellow brought to mind multiple cartoon characters such as Spongebob, The Simpsons, Curious George; however, I also associated yellow with rotting and decay. This juxtaposition between beloved cartoons and decay led me to consider the fragility of babies and young children. Technology now allows children easy access to a sea of information and media, and parents can't control everything their children view. Children aren't always mature enough to filter which content is harmful or unrealistic, so they may naively normalize and internalize harmful behaviors, beliefs, and expectations shown in some media. Some children even seek guidance from influencers if they feel a lack of acceptance from their parents. My concept for this poster came to be about these possible consequences of early exposure to media. I represented toes visually with the kicking feet of an overwhelmed baby throwing a tantrum.

I drew the baby with references to classic cartoon visuals in an attempt to portray media's influence on the development of our personalities and ideals. The baby is physically morphing into the media they consume. The diaper is filled with crumpled print-outs of apps and influencers, and the two screens display photos of influencers with unrealistic body standards acting as "parents" to the baby.
Thanks for viewing!
Glitch Baby

Glitch Baby
