With the fewest elements Rebuilt Wine glass.


大阪市西区京町堀にあるワイン専門店「il soffione(イル・ソッフィオーネ)」の8周年を記念したワイングラスのデザイン。




A wine glass designed for the 8th anniversary of the wine specialty shop "il soffione" located in Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka.

The number 8 is a symbol of good fortune in Japanese culture, and in Western culture, it also means infinity, which has a very positive meaning. It has a shape with two circles (spheres) attached as a figure, and while it has the simplicity that even a young child can draw, depending on the viewpoint, it is also an iconic figure that looks like a person or the shape of a good relationship.

In addition, because wine is processed from grapes, and grapes are round aggregates, this appearance can also be recognized as a metaphor for grapes.

Usually, a wine glass consists of four parts: a rim, a bowl, a neck, and a plate (foot), but only two spheres can also achieve the same purpose. This work takes the common sense of the past back to 0 and is a posture reconstructed after eliminating the uselessness. The full and expansive arc shape is the foundation of the glass blowing technique, and it is a strong image of glass craftsmanship. Also, the inflated glass has the beauty and charm that no one can resist.

8 (otto)