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Knorr Norie Chatbot Design

Agency: MullenLowe Treyna
Team: MullenLowe Current
Senior Content Creator: Sajid Guerrero
Content Creator/Art: Chinny Basinang
Contenr Creator/Animation: Julian Bato

MEET NORIE, a fun-loving Tita everyone loves to be around with. She has so many stories to share which she gets from the combination of experiences and her interest of hanging with friends and the internet. She’s like your hm cyst tita—learning new features and playing around with different digital platforms so she can further improve herself, and of course share stories with her peers.

When on her downtime, she loves sharing pictures of her simple life through selfies—selfie with her friends, her pets, or even her grocery. She’s not boasting, she just loves sharing her mini adventures with you.

Tita Norie is warm, her choice of words are very calm and caring. And while you feel her warmth with her choice of words, she also adds a bit of fun in it to make it feel more comfortable. She loves sending cute customized stickers and gifs to emanate warmth and good vibe in the conversation. And when presented with complicated terms, she’ll be honest that like any other women, she’s a work in progress.

Tita norie is sociable, she loves presenting choices so anyone would be able to find their needs. Her love for conversing is made of cute emojis, gifs, and stickers. From time to time, expect Ate Nora to send sweet reminders using these stickers.

Tita Norie is cheerful, she is a caring friend/tita so expect her to cheer you through your chatbot journey. She’ll always boost your morale when it comes to cooking via gifs and stickers like a typical tita.

Tita Norie is approachable, her calm yet fun vibe creates a comfortable mood where people can easily approach her and is always fun to talk to.

CHATBOT NORIE GIFs these elements are used by Norie when talking to the user on the chatbot. Different emojis are used for different types of conversations to show Norie's support and love. 


CHATBOT LAUNCH DIGITAL VIDEO By Norie's launch date, we created a digital video showing the steps on how to use the chatbot. Chatbots are like celebrities and politicians, personality and credibility are crucial factors to make them beloved, that's why we show to the world who is Norie. Since then, Norie became the reliable meal planning partner that gives recipe inspirations and eases the daily cooking woes of striving inspiration seekers. 


NORIE CHARACTER DESIGNS Inspired from iphone's animojis, We want to reflect Norie's personality based on what she would wear and look like. I created the studies as a mix of stylized and realistic-looking execution. Also added a little bit of makeup to show that she is the queen of the kitchen but still keeping her vibe approchable.

NORIE CHARACTER DESIGNS FIRST PASS These character designs are the first draft of Norie. We still haven't decided on what her name is that time and I first aimed to make it look very stylized and illustrated using brush textures and flowy shapes. But the clients wanted to push to a more animoji-like studies. Each design has different silhouettes with different personalities - from a very motherly vibe to a friendly cool mom that will encourage you to cook.

NORIE DIGITAL POSTS Various P4A Carousels are created for Norie about various recipes they can try that also leads to her chatbot. These posts are always boosted and has engagements by our target market. 3 buckets are created for different usage and messaging.

NORIE PANTRY ESSENTIALS WEBSITE CONTENT Various P4A Carousels are created for Norie about various recipes they can try that also leads to her chatbot. These posts are always boosted and has engagements by our target market. 3 buckets are created for different usage and messaging.

SEASONAL Different cascaded materials from website dress up to trendjacks are also created throughout the year with Norie. Every now and then, we also redesign Norie for seasonal content especially for Christmas since filipinos are fond of this season. More recipes are suggested by Norie and more efforts are released.

Overall, Norie became Knorr Philippines' icon for moms. Meal-planning and recipe inspirations are now made easy with her help and will continue to encourage moms with full love and support. Check out other Norie's content here!
Knorr Norie Chatbot Design


Knorr Norie Chatbot Design
