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Islamabad's nephrologist and chronic kidney disease?

For those of you who are hearing the word nephrologist for the first time, a nephrologist is a person that specializes in kidneys. Like many other English language words, the word nephrologist also has its roots in the Greek language. ‘Nephros’ is a Greek word that means kidney, and ologist is someone who studies. Hence nephrologist means someone who studies the kidneys. 

Unfortunately, kidney diseases in Pakistan and worldwide are rapidly increasing. It is a statement backed by recent statistics and the best nephrologists in Islamabad. People are experiencing chronic kidney disease at much higher rates than before. A report states that more than 17 million Pakistanis are suffering from chronic kidney disease. According to the same report, low quality food, low water intake, and hypertension are top causes of chronic kidney failure.

What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
Kidneys are responsible for filtering the waste and other fluids from the blood. In other words, kidneys purify the blood. The waste and other fluids exit the body in the form of urine. In chronic kidney disease or chronic kidney failure, the kidneys stop performing this function. It does not happen suddenly. Instead, it happens gradually.
Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease does not become apparent until the kidneys have suffered significant damage. It is what makes this disease highly dangerous. Without treatment such as dialysis or a kidney transplant, this disease can end up in the patient’s death.

According to the best nephrologists in Islamabad, symptoms of chronic kidney disease are listed below:
Prolonged Nausea
Continuous Vomiting
Reduced Appetite
Increased fatigue and weakness
Trouble falling asleep
Changes to your urinary pattern
Diminished mental capacity
Muscle twitches

Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease
According to several best nephrologists in Islamabad, chronic kidney disease can be caused by numerous conditions and other diseases. They are listed below:
People suffering from Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of developing kidney disease.

High blood is a well-documented cause of kidney disease.

Inflammation of the kidney’s filtering systems can cause it to develop chronic kidney disease.

Low quality diet

Low intake of water

Risk Factors
Several factors can increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Smoking is one such risk factor. Not only does it increase the risk of kidney disease, but it is also responsible for increasing the chances of stroke and cancer. Other than smoking, obesity is another top cause of kidney disease. As you can see for yourself, many of the factors that increase the risk of kidney disease are preventable. Quitting smoking and increasing physical activity can reduce the risk of developing kidney disease. Apart from preventing kidney disease, better lifestyle choices can improve your overall health, physical and mental.

Wrap Up
This concludes our article. If you have any questions regarding chronic kidney disease, we recommend that you contact your nearest nephrologist. Other than this, if you feel that you have any of the above symptoms, set up an appointment right away. A timely diagnosis can help you counter severe problems in the future.
Islamabad's nephrologist and chronic kidney disease?
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Islamabad's nephrologist and chronic kidney disease?

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