Steven Fayers さんのプロファイル

Messy Goes to Okido | Doodle Productions

Messy Goes to Okido

In 2014 I worked as an Environment Artist & Prop Modeller for the successful animated series 'Messy Goes to Okido' with Doodle Productions.

Based on the children's science magazine 'Okido', this 52 episode series was shown on television from the end of 2015 to 2016.

Responsibilities included modelling a number of the environments and props based on sketches and ideas from the creative director, building scenes, composition, setting up of cameras as per the storyboard, scene dressing and basic lighting setup.
Messy Power

Inside the wind turbine set which I modelled, including all the electronics components. I made a lot of circuits like these using real breadboards when I was at university so was called upon my memory to lay out some components in 'real' ways, however, mostly items were place to make a pleasing composition. Some were modelled just for the episode whereas others such as the cogwheels were reused assets from the bicycle.

Inside Zoe`s communicator. This was one of my favourite environments to make and features a whole set of components I made which were also used inside the wind turbine for Messy Power episode, as shown above.
Other Environments

A selection of some of the other environments I worked on.
Messy Goes to Okido | Doodle Productions
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Messy Goes to Okido | Doodle Productions

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