Query: Design for Good

Created by From Left to Right: all, Haley, Illustration by Anna, Illustration by Angela
We wanted to keep the "Create Account" and "Continue as Guest" buttons available through all onboarding screens so users aren't forced to view them and are more likely to enter our app.
Created by From Left to Right: Angela (illustration by Haley), Haley, Haley (illustration by Angela), Haley
Our home page has a term of the day for bite size learning for our user. The account page is where the user will go to get personalized product recommendations based on their individual concerns. Our product scan page also features a search function for any products whose barcode isn't working or if our reader isn't able to capture due to poor image quality.  
Our individual product pages offer a quick view at the product, without forcing the user to feel like we are telling them if it is good or bad. We instead want them to make the decision for themselves.
Created by From Left to Right: Angela, Haley, Haley, Haley
The hamburger menu is an important secondary function menu that had to be accessible and clean. The icons needed to match the other icons and the feel of our illustrations without being overly detailed. The ingredient index needed to be simple enough to find the ingredient you are looking for without scrolling for hours with many thousands of ingredients that products use. We included an option to view a list for browsing abilities. The saved Queries page was kept clean for readability.
Created by From Left to Right: Angela, Angela, all, Haley
The research news page was designed to quickly see recent news articles and research at a glance without overwhelming the user with too much text at once. The individual article page clearly shows the source, date and time of information while highlighting the main points. The article can be saved for later reading or can be shared. The search history page allows you to see past searches so you can go back and reference products you might have been interested in but forgot to save.  
Our presence on social media follows our brand guidelines. The aim is to be approachable, informative, and entertaining. We want to drive traffic to our app without selling people on the products they can search in our app. We will drive them to our app with our design and by showing them how easy our app can make product research and informed consumerism.
Query: Design for Good