Profiel van Felipe Vargas

Secondary Victimization

Motion graphics
Sexual abuse is a traumatic experience that doesn't end with the police report. Regular legal procedure that follows a child after abuse requires repeated and painful interviews with prosecutors, doctors, psychologists and judges who make the child relive the ordeal over and over again.
"Amparo and Justicia" Foundation through the campaign "Do not ask me again!" proposes a solution focused on the welfare of the victim and a better more efficient investigation process.
El abuso sexual es una experiencia traumática que no termina con la denuncia. El proceso judicial regular que sigue un niño tras el abuso exige reiteradas y dolorosas entrevistas ante fiscales, doctores, psicólogos y jueces que hacen al menor revivir la terrible experiencia una y otra vez. 
La fundación Amparo y Justicia, a través de la campaña "No me pregunten más!" propone una solución centrada en el bienestar de la víctima.
Visiten y difundan en:
I designed these motionboards from extremely precise storyboards from Moisés Arancibia. The main challenge was to elaborate simple backgrounds that didn't distract viewers from the animated characters. Although the illustrations were further adapted to better match the tone of the video, I was very pleased with the result.
This project included some Icon design, like the folder and calendar above. And Character design for the family below.
Produced and Directed by SMOG.
Secondary Victimization

Secondary Victimization

Motionboards & Character design for "No me Pregunten Más" a foundation proposing solutions against secondary victimization af abused children
