This project is something I worked on in my second year of my Bachelor of Design course for my 3D Modelling for Visualization class. We were tasked to design an entire scene entirely of our choosing. Being a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons I decided to create a scene that could fit into a DND campaign.

Named 'Seahaven', this concept is a huge, floating, town in the shape of a ring. The idea behind this concept is that it is a hub for all naval traffic. There is a large number of cargo related assets such as barrels and crates, fishing supplies such as netting, and a general array of buildings necessary for a hub of human activity.

The buildings include a restaurant, magic store, boat repair store, multiple fishing huts, a tavern, gazebos and a main hall. Below are images of all my individual asset renders. I was unable to compile all my assets into one scene unfortunately due to a mistake I made in my rope fence asset. Following a tutorial on how to make procedural-generated rope, I ended up making a section of rope fence with millions of polygons that just crashed any scene I moved it into.

I am quite happy with how this project turned out, especially as it was my first time using a lot of the software and I was learning as I went.

So, as of yet I have not compiled a full scene, but am happy to show my array of assets. Hopefully one day I get the free-time to try compiling the scene again.
Seahaven - Fantasy floating city scene


Seahaven - Fantasy floating city scene
