TAMYHA rebranding

The story begins when Tan My Hanh - a long-standing business operating in the field of steel sheet, comes to Vu Agency. After nearly twenty years in the market, Tan My Hanh has become a rich brand name in the business, but in contrast, there is a scarcity of ideas as well as a long-term development orientation for the business. Industry and brand. From the initial thought that just changing the image is enough, Vu Agency has oriented Tan My Hanh to become a brand with all the strengths of a modern enterprise. Through the development strategy, corporate culture, and brand new identity that Vu is going to present below. Tan My Hanh's brand name from the position of a local enterprise is now recognized as a brand of international stature. Vu's team completed the project with all the enthusiasm and responsibility of each individual, now is the time to proudly send to everyone the project showcase of strategic consulting and branding Tamyha.

Our idea and solution is an abstract symbol. With a vision of continuous development, the logo expresses the connection between culture and the values ​​that Tamyha brings. The Tamyha brand name uses a minimalistic and futuristic font.

“Enterprises operating in heavy industry always face difficulties in conveying messages and building brand identity from customers.” 

"We decided to use the new set of logos as a means of brand communication, with icons that satisfy aesthetics but are no less characteristic of the industry or brand."

Family businesses are still a popular model in Vietnam in particular and Eastern countries in general. We hope this strategy and brand image rebuilding project will be the inspiration for Vietnamese brands to further improve their brand image, become more professional and international stature.

Let's build something together


Client: Tân Mỹ Hạnh
Agency: Vũ Agency
Timeline: 2020-2021 

Designer: Nguyễn Vinh Quang, PH Siêu
Content writer: Đoàn Phát 
Project Manager: Tracy Nguyễn
Animation: Tâm Nguyễn
Mechanic Helper: Hà Nguyễn 
Research: Châu Nguyễn, Cường Đỗ, Thanh Nguyễn, Trần Nguyên Thục Vy
Photography: Vũ Studio
Creative Director: Quyền Vũ
Brand strategy consulting: Quyền Vũ

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TAMYHA rebranding