Project Description
László Moholy-Nagy was an influential artist well known for pushing the boundaries of art-making as well as his innovative use of materials in his pursuit to highlight the connections between life, art, and technology.  The concept of the show applied Moholy-Nagy’s idea of a “spatial kaleidoscope” to the viewer experience; the idea that the forms of the walls and vitrines will continue to reveal new and varied spatial relationships as the visitor moves through the space. 

Created 3d rendering studies, concept diagrams, elevations and installation diagrams.  Assisted in updating exhibition layouts and graphics. 

Installed May 2016
Completed with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum's Exhibition Design Department, Lead Exhibition Designer: Kelly Cullinan
All Rights Reserved, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
Moholy Nagy Exhibition Photography by David Heald
Moholy Nagy, Full Exhibition Elevation
Moholy Nagy, Spatial Kaleidoscope Diagram
Moholy Nagy, Spatial Kaleidoscope Renderings
Moholy Nagy, Ramp Interior Rendering Studies
Moholy Nagy: Future Present

Moholy Nagy: Future Present
