The Penguin

The Challenge
We, Avec Creativo a young Mexican Agency, wanted to attract new clients by using a simple message that anybody or any brand loves to hear: it will be cheap but effective. 
One of our main limitations was money, we had to make the campaign work with a very tight budget.
The Idea
Flyers are one of the cheapest ways to advertise so we came up with the idea to use flyers to do so, but flyers with a difference.
We designed an origami penguin (Agency Mascot)  that serves as a flyer and whose cuteness makes it almost impossible to get rid of our penguin, unlike ordinary flyers, is something that our potential clients will notice and want to keep rather than throw in the trash.
Extended Sheet of Paper
The Process
The Outcome
The message is clear: "What matters is the size of the idea, not the size of the budget".
The Penguin