Logo Design: One Love Yogis
I was approached in a coffee shop one day by a lady who overheard me talking about design. She asked if I'd be willing to create a logo for her yoga business. She wanted the logo to contain both a seated Buddha and a lotus flower. The idea to have the logo be made of concentric circles was inspired by both the unopened lotus flower and the idea of the completeness that yoga and meditation bring about.
I started off with several sketches. After finding an idea that the client liked, I transferred the sketches to Illustrator and reconstructed the base circles to which I then applied the design to. The icon itself is almost symmetrical, with the the symmetry being offset by the crossed arms and legs and the wording.
The client also wanted to see how the logo would look if applied to products such as bags, shirts, and water bottles. I created a few scenes in Adobe Dimensions with the logo, in different styles, applied to different products.
Thanks for looking. Have a great day and feel free to contact me for more info!
One Love Yogis

One Love Yogis
