Changing the Path
As a graduate student routine is a vital role to the success of my journey. My morning routine can be hectic at points from getting the kids organized and ready for school. To the multitude of different doctor appointments that I must manage for my family. There seems not to be enough hours in the day. This week what I would do differently is reduce the amount of morning appointments and shift them towards the later part of the afternoon. To allow for me to start my graduate studies earlier in the day. I will keep doing my daily review of the readings and exploring research on the Full Sail Library website. This week I will stop agreeing to doing errands that I know are too time consuming. As a ritual I’ll start back on my morning meditations to center my spirit.
I can make my situation better my ensuring uninterrupted study time by family and friends. It seems to become quite overwhelming when I settle into my studies and I get. Into the zone only to be disturbed by a non-emergency circumstance. I become distracted in my environment with non-essential matters that can be address later outside of my concentration time slot I’ve set for myself. The phone doesn’t stop ringing, and everyone’s isn’t being receptive to my quality time. There are days when I’m constantly being distracted with random questions of trivia content. It’ll be hard for me but I ‘m going to start directing the parties to pose their questions to the web.
The sacrifices I will have to make as a graduate student will starts by me saying no to running to the store for unnecessary items that can wait. I will have to say no I can’t talk right now to my friends that want to talk on the phone for hours about frivolous topics. It will also mean unfortunately I won’t be able to make it to every doctor visit when I have a report an assignment due or class to attend. I’m going to have to set some boundaries and instill in my friends and family how important and serious I take my graduate studies as a priority. According to Keller and Deimann (2018), Motivation to learn is promoted when learners anticipate and experience satisfying outcomes to a learning task. By setting the structured boundaries will allow for the satisfaction of completing the learning task on the time schedule that I've set on my calendar.
Reiser, Robert A., John Dempsey. Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (Subscription), 4th Edition. Pearson, 20170118. VitalBook file.
Changing Paths

Changing Paths

This project is a reflection on what it takes to commit to a purpose.
