This isn't the first piece I posted in my little poster project (SO MANY P'S), but it was the first poster I did.  I worked on it the hour after seeing a talk by Phil Jones at Murray State University, playing lots of Control, binging on Scarfolk Council's work.  I wanted to try to evoke not just the feel of Scarfolk's pieces, but also get that confusingly threatening tone.

I did a bit of research for this one to try and get the right look for it.

First, I found out that sun fading makes posters tend specifically towards blues because the cyan ink is the last to be broken down by the sun.

Second, I looked up government logo design from the 70s and found interesting geometric designs for the Departments of the Interior and Treasury.  I threw a few sketches together, and the Department of Regulatory Regulations icon was born.
DRR- Have You Read this Poster?
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DRR- Have You Read this Poster?

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