Cbeebies App
We were asked by BBC Creative to help them with this campaign for a refresh of their CBeebies Apps’ trailers. Their creative vision was a set of light beams, each carrying the App, which then transformed into screens that allowed them to display captures from the Apps. A big part of the job was building all the graphics in a kit of parts that they could re-use for each App trail.

Getting the light beams to feel like light, but also to stay true to the colours and textures of each brand was the first part of the design that we had to tackle. We also wanted the yellow bugs to feature heavily. Dan worked on animating these in a traditional pencil format, before Matthew and James turned them into the 3D characters you can see on screen.

The final part was the sound design. Nick from Ideosound designed us a series of whooshes, plops, bounces and pings, delivered as a sound kit for the BBC to use across the future series.
Cbeebies App

Cbeebies App
