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Klaićeva Children's Hospital CT Scanner

Klaićeva Children's Hospital doctors and medical staff focus all their energy on making the hospital stay for their young patients as short and painless as possible. Some examinations, such as MRI and CT scan, even though painless, make it difficult for children to relax, as the large, gray devices they use to operate look frightening.

After our submarine MRI machine turned out to be a big hit, the Hospital sought the help of Izone's creative forces once again. Next in line to level-up was the CT scanner.
And... we decided to launch it into space! :) The device was turned into a spacecraft, and the entire room became a vast space full of colorful planets, satellites, nebulae, and stars. We wanted to show the children that there are no limits and that the universe is within reach.
I z o n e . a g e n c y  2 0 2 0 .
Klaićeva Children's Hospital CT Scanner

Klaićeva Children's Hospital CT Scanner
