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"El Kikirikí" TV show package


*please be advised that this video contains bullfighting content, if you find this offensive I apologize in advance*

For this TV bulfighting show I tried to emulate a magazine being edited. Playing with ficticious headlines and body texts, photos that come to life in form of videos. The color palette is simple, making reference to the red of blood and pasion present in bullfighting.


El Kikirikí tv show package.
Made for Canal+ Spain.
Creative and Art direction: Luis Regalado, Ricardo Fernández
Sound Design: Canal+ Spain.
Role: Concept, design and animation.

"El Kikirikí" TV show package

"El Kikirikí" TV show package

For this TV bulfighting show I tried to emulate a magazine being edited. Playing with ficticious headlines and body texts, photos that come to li Se mer
