'BankGiroLoterij 'Grijp je rijk' campagne 

Initiate and develop a nice simple online game with an instant chance to win prizes from 
€ 20,- to € 20.000,-

As the Senior Designer throughout the project cycle from requirements gathering to strategy, research, wire framing, prototyping, user testing, and content management. I Initiated the art direction/design and instructed development the development for the game. After developing a prototype i tested with users to see if the flow was successful. 

Aug  2020​​​​​​​

Design a low cost and easy online game

I conducted some research to find a fool proof short game and did a context study. Did some journey map UX flows and collected examples of fool proof online games. I did quick prototyping to test and result was it had to be very simple looking.

Some challenges within this project:

The first priority is selling lottery tickets. There is always the fact that people getting out of the flow. The challenge was to get leads prior to playing the game and then keep people curious to see what prize they have won. Also the design needed to be easy interchangeable.

Other challenge was to get people playing the lottery longer than 3 months after buying the lottery ticket for this campagne.

Also i did some A/B tests within this flow.

The challenge for people stay with the Lottery longer than 3 months I thought of a rewarding system after 3 months. We know by statistics people leave the lottery quickly and stay mostly 1 month. So when people won a price after playing the game we offered them a bonus price. We doubled the price money if you stay with the lottery for three months. 

The results are very successful. People are more willing to give lead information if the game is easy and because of the double money price after playing for three months there was more than 50% less cancellations.

This game was a big succes and was continued and below is a clip of how it looks now:

