Creative Pinky's profile

Mindfulness Project

You're still Growing!

Growth comes from the inside and it requires a lot of patience and perseverance! It's extremely difficult to see your evolution and most of the times you might think that you're not growing as fast or as much as you’d want! This is why it's important to look at your own evolution from the outside! It's important to see where you were when it all started and how much you've changed!
Your Star will Come True!

Make a wish, turn it into a star, and hold it close to you! Close your eyes and feel how its light starts growing and then let it go! That's it! Now it's out there, with your other old wishes waiting for the universe to turn them into magic! 

Turning a star into magic takes time and you have to be patient, extremely patient! The universe doesn’t forget, it just wants to make sure that your star is strong enough to pass the test of time! 
You make your own Happiness

Sometimes you just have to accept yourself and what makes you happy! There are so many feelings and things distracting you that you might forget about the little things that make you feel joy...things like taking care of a plant or hugging your fluffy dog! Don't forget about the little things!
There’s summer inside of you!

No matter what you think, there’s summer inside of you! Summer is where you keep all your hopes and dreams! It's where you keep all of your good memories and fun ideas! All you have to do is hold something you love and there it is: the summer has been activated and you start dreaming! It doesn’t take much to make you feel this way! Don't forget to feel the summer today!
Keep on Growing

Whatever you do, keep on growing! You should never stop learning, adapting and changing! Sure, all of these are stressful, tiresome and most of the times we lack the energy to keep on going! It's difficult but it's also amazing and it will make you feel better and stronger in the end! 😊
You're made of Magic and Stars

You're made of golden magic that you can find when you're peaceful and in touch with your true self! You're also made of an eternity of stars, hopes and beautiful ideas! You're in there, waiting to be truly discovered and to be brought to light! Sure, it might take a while and it might a long journey but you're in there and those stars in your soul will always guide you!
Warrior Pose

Another yoga pose added to my list of illustrations! I really like drawing these and playing with different and subtle brushes! I still think that it could use some improvements but I might never be 100% satisfied with my drawing! 😄
Mindfulness Project


Mindfulness Project
