TOTEMS is an ongoing illustration series that was created at the start of the pandemic and a time of great personal upheaval and loss. 

The geometric, nature-based, repetitive compositions acted as a creative meditation that kept my mind busy, focused and distracted all at once and provided much needed peace in a very nasty storm.

Perhaps it can provide some of the same relief for others, if only for a moment.

Head over to messymod to purchase a selection of signed, fine art prints.

*** All images are ©TRÜF and may not be duplicated, manipulated or tattooed without express written permission or purchase of usage rights. Please respect the humans behind the art. 
Six Fish
Here Comes The Sun (for Biden inaugural)
Caws & Effect
Hive Mind
Hive Mind
Pass the Peas
Kelp Wanted
Mean Tweets
Weird Fishes (listening to Radiohead)
Peace & Sh*t (Christmas/New Year)
Bay Watch
Nothing But Flowers (listening to Talking Heads)
Lobster Scorpion Thing
Pollen Count
West Coastal

