The bonds that join us

During Christmas, the only thing that matters is being with ours
to celebrate the love and bonds that unite us.

L E t ’ s  c e l e b r a t e 
t h e  b o n d s  t h a t
 j o i n  u s.

Publicis Colombia
Chief Creative Officer: Camilo Carvajal
Creative Directors: Juan Afanador / Anderson Quiroga
Copywriter: David Gutiérrez / Cristhian Arboleda
Art Director: William Neuta
Photography: Salvación Studio
Producer: Akira Cine
Directors: Rudo & Cursi
Sound Studio: Laika

The bonds that join us

The bonds that join us

During Christmas, the only thing that matters is being with ours to celebrate the love and bonds that unite us. Scotiabank Colpatria's campaign 자세히 보기
