Nicole Wood 的個人檔案

Santos Tour Down Under Redesign 2013

This all the development I did with all my concepts for a redesign of the Santos Tour down Under Logo that I’m currently doing for Graphic Design at Uni. When I was gathering inspiration for my logo redesign, I took not of the basic shapes the body forms when cycling. For example; the teardrop shape of a helmet and the lightning bolt shape of a body while in the motion of cycling. I took these basic shapes and used them to experiment with in my logo. I tried creating the text solely out of the shapes and noticed that the letter ‘d’ in Down looked like the shape of Western Australia. So because the Tour Down Under is an Australian event, I thought it would be fitting to have the logo shaped like Australia. After careful consideration of where to place each letter, the logo was readable and incorporated both Australia and cycling into it.
I was also required to design a train/ bus shelter style poster, truck graphics, a tear drop banner and a cyclist uniform for this project. All templates were provided by my teacher, except for the photograph with the inserted photo, which I took myself.
I designed the poster based around the logo. I wanted to include the landscape of Australia and so I focused on the sunset and also the bike paths. My final poster was ultimately a vector image of silhouetted cyclists on a path with the sunset in the background and the logo in the sun. The ‘14’ in the logo that represents both Tasmania and the year 2014, had to be removed from the poster because it became unbalanced when it was included. So instead I included the year with the rest of the information.
My poster design formed the foundation of my truck and teardrop banner designs. I just needed to edit the layout of the design to fit the dimensions. This was a challenge and required several different attempts before I finally got it right.
The cyclists’ uniform did not feature the poster design but is still linked to the other designs through the inclusion of the logo and information fonts as well as the colour scheme. I wanted to have the logo in the centre, as it is in the poster, so I designed the graphics around that. I bordered the logo in a circular shape at the top that cover the shoulders and then I put lines that wrap around each other down the sides to basically represent the path that appears in the poster, truck and tear drop banner designs, further connecting them.
Santos Tour Down Under Redesign 2013

Santos Tour Down Under Redesign 2013

Santos Tour Down Under logo redesign and promotional material for the event.
