The largest on going project I have, The BT Journal was already fifteen years old when I tackled the momumental task of redesigning it for the iPad with the already high standards Moose had for it. Now having rocked a whole year on the iPad, the BTJ seems like old hat to produce! Below is the Fall 2013 cover.
Best part about the BTJ, the cover is completely painless. Why? Because Dad can pick a cover.
A lot like my other digital Table of Contents, they are meant to be attention grabbers. The function of navigating the app is built into the app. So here we have the Howdy and Howdy vid (which by the way we go to greater and greater lengths to make completely unique to the issue, wait and see!) which really benefit from being digital since now they are not limited by physical space since the text can scroll.
Know what was really the hardest thing on this page? Getting those damn f/stops right! They still aren't....
The BTJ has the most dynamic changes to it since it gets a new issue every three months. Interactive elements are constantly being tested and added as we look for great ways to teach. This one is just cool; the pano can be zoomed in and scrolled around in. 
Another new interactivity we have used and plan to include again is the map feature, having pins for exact locations of Moose's photography spots. Volume 16.1 currently has the first map Dad came up with, the Custer State Park Wildlife Loop.
Video is such a huge addition to printing. It allows for such a depth in teaching that making it work was worth all the effort in finding just the right way to compress video to embed into the BTJ.
This particular page has two videos Dad shot of the same subject, one with the D4's 2.7x crop on and one with it off. As a user, you can see exactly the difference the setting makes.
Like I said, old hat at this point! That is a whole year of journals, plus a couple extras you can't see in this screenshot. My favorite part is they are always available, always ready to teach eager students.
The BT Journal

The BT Journal

The biggest on going project I work, the BT Journal.
