The Shooter

Janek. The shooter.

I've met Janek, just like most of my friends, through rallying and motorsport. I've already shoot some portraits of people wearing helmets in their rally cars, but actually not a lot of them keep a rifle at home... or several rifles :).

I would call Janek's hobby a combat shooting but I'm no expert in this field. He prefers to call himself "the sunday comando" :D. Well, let's just say he like to leave some shell casings at the shooting range in his spare time :). But he likes doing it in proper style. He learns his techniques with classic unmodified Glock gun. Supposedly it's a quite difficult to master weapon which does not forgive mistakes. Just like in rallies - when you learn your basics in a stock rubbish car, it will only get easier with a proper rally car in top specs.

I also see another similarity. In rallying, you usually start with throwing away the rear seats from a stock car. Before you know it, you end up buying a top specs rally car not suitable for everyday driving and you keep stacking piles of tires in the garage. The crude Glock for honing your skills is not bad, but it doesn't mean that you can't buy a better, sportier toy... And, of course, if you have already tried a small caliber, it's definitely worth trying a bigger one. So Janek's gun arsenal quickly grew by Kalashnikovs and other interesting rifles :).
One of my favorite Polish memes on the internet says: "Psst, wanna see a hobby that will eat up all your paycheck? - Show me Master." I love people who have interesting hobbies. At least they're not boring.

Janek also takes part in various competitions and shooting events related to self-defense / survival / everyday life situations. Something like Krav maga in martial arts. He uses weapons to defend himself and his family. He doesn't brag about his gear on the web. He doesn't take selfies with perfectly hit targets. But when the day comes, he will know how to use his weapon. And when he has lots of fun practicing at the same time - why the hell not :).

Special thanks to the FSO Shooting Range in Warsaw, Poland.

© Kuba Machnikowski
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The Shooter


The Shooter
