Iris Jousma 的個人檔案

Installation - New Perspectives

New Perspectives, site-specific installation, 2009
New Perspectives 2009 is based on the question:

                           ‘Can we look from different perspectives to the same landscape than usual?’  

When the public enters the work their view on the area is limited by the arrangement of objects, the shape and material. 
The landscape exists of hills with eucalyptus and paper bark trees, it is the end of the summer and very dry but the area will soon transform into a greener setting. the sculpture is set on a higher location than other spots and sculptures and so the viewer has a good overview on the surroundings. 
The outlook from the installation is focussed on the direct area but lets the viewer decide what he sees. The installation asks the viewer;  'does it look different from this perspective?' 
Installation - New Perspectives

Installation - New Perspectives

A site specific installation made for the ECU Sculpture Exhibition at the Gomboc Gallery in Perth Australia, june 2009. People where asked to ent 閱讀更多

