Britt Davis sin profil

SCAD | Gullah Culture

Preserving Gullah Geechee language & culture
Located on the coastal regions and outer islands of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida many people visit these areas for the beach. Many do not know about the unique language, art and traditions around them. One major misconception surround the language is the people who speak it are unintelligent. There is also some association with the dialect used during the vaudeville and minstrel show era. This may be one of the main reasons the number of active speakers is going down. The culture is also being impacted by the development of resorts moving in on the land, especially in the Hilton Head area of South Carolina. 
To create awareness about this rich culture I design an interactive museum exhibit. Other aspects of the culture such as art and craft will be reflected in the visual style of the story.
SCAD | Gullah Culture

SCAD | Gullah Culture

Final project for Summer session at SCAD
